Don Carlos Spagn : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Linenn 1:
[[Restr:Don Carlos Spanien.jpg|thumb|right|Don Carlos Spagn]]
[[Restr:Alonso Sánchez Coello 005.jpg|thumb|Don Carlos , gant [[Alonso Sánchez Coello]], 1558]]
'''Don Carlos Spagn''', pe '''Carlos de Austria y Portugal''' e spagnoleg, ganet e 1545 e [[Valladolid]], marvet e 1568 e [[Madrid]], a oa ur priñs spagnol, mab d'ar roue [[FulupFelipe II]] (1527-1598), ha [[priñs Asturiez]] .
==E vuhez==
Mab nemetañ Felipe II hag e bried kentañ [[Maria Manuela Portugal]] e oa. E vamm a varvas miz goude genel anezhañ. Klañvidik ha nammet e oa a gorf. Lorc'hus, feuls ha nedrouk e oa, ketha yac'hdre ama spered.kreske Feulsne haseblante droukket e oayac'h e demz-spered. Krediñ a reer e oa dleet kement-se d'ar [[kenwadelezh|genwadelezh]] etre an [[Tiegezh Habsburg]] ha tiegezhioù roueel Spagn ha Portugal.
E 1560 e voe anavezet evel priñs pennhêr [[Kurunenn Kastilha]], hag e 1563 evel pennhêr [[Kurunenn Aragon]].
Mervel a reas er vac'h da 23 bloaz.
Carlos was recognized in 1560 as the heir-apparent to the [[Crown of Castile|Castilian]] throne, and three years later as heir-apparent to the Crown of [[Aragon]] as well. He became also the 218th Knight of the [[Order of the Golden Fleece]]. He often attended meetings of the Council of State (which dealt with foreign affairs) and was in correspondence with the [[Low Countries|Netherlands]] [[regent]], [[Margaret of Parma]].<ref>Parker p. 91</ref>
Linenn 16 ⟶ 25:
==E varv==
The young [[Infante]] Carlos was delicate and deformed. He grew up proud and willful and, as a young adult, began to show signs of mental instability.
Carlos was recognized in 1560 as the heir-apparent to the [[Crown of Castile|Castilian]] throne, and three years later as heir-apparent to the Crown of [[Aragon]] as well. He became also the 218th Knight of the [[Order of the Golden Fleece]]. He often attended meetings of the Council of State (which dealt with foreign affairs) and was in correspondence with the [[Low Countries|Netherlands]] [[regent]], [[Margaret of Parma]].<ref>Parker p. 91</ref>
En 1562 e tapas Carlos ul lamm er skalieroù , ma voe gloazet e benn. Saveteet e voe e vuhez gant un [[trepanadur]] a voe graet gant ar medisin [[Andreas Vesalius]].<ref>Parker p. 88</ref> Doude an abadenn-se e teuas Carlos da vout gouez ha da gaout barrioù trumm.