Elizabeth Siddal : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Kempenn; -pavez manet dizimplij
Linenn 5:
Unan eus an daou batrom livet ar muiañ gant rakrafaelourien e voe Elizabeth Siddal. [[Jane Burden]] eo a oa an hini all. Patrom pennañ [[Dante Gabriel Rossetti]] e voe, met livet e voe he foltred gant [[Walter Deverell]], [[William Holman Hunt]] ha [[John Everett Millais]] ivez.
[[Restr:Millais - Ophelia.jpg|thumb|[[Ophelia (livadur)|Ophelia]] gant [[John Everett Millais]].]]
Dimeziñ a reas da [[Dante Gabriel Rossetti]] e fin he buhez.
Linenn 11:
==He buhez==
===He yaouankiz===
Elizabeth Eleanor Siddall, anvet diwar-lerc'h he mamm, pe 'Lizzie'“Lizzie” Siddall, a oa ganet d'ar 25 a viz Gouhere 1829, e ti he zud, 7 Charles Street, Hatton Garden. He zad e oa Charles Crooke Siddall, a lavare bezañ mab da noblañsed, hahag he mamm e oa Eleanor Evans, a oa kembreat hec'h anv-tiegezh. Ne oant ket tud paour, hag he zad a oa e penn ur gompagnunezh ober kontilli.
Around 1831, the Siddall family moved to the borough of Southwark, in south London, a less salubrious area than Hatton Garden. It was in Southwark that the rest of Lizzie Sidall's siblings were born: Lydia, to whom she was particularly close, Mary, Clara, James and Henry. Although there is no record of Lizzie Siddall having attended school, she was able to read and write, presumably having been taught by her parents. She developed a love of poetry at a young age, after discovering a poem by [[Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson|Tennyson]] on a scrap of newspaper that had been used to wrap a pat of butter; this discovery was one of Siddall's inspirations to start writing her own poetry.
== Daveoù ==
* Virginia Surtees (1991). ''Rossetti's Portraits of Elizabeth Siddal'', Aldershot: Scolar Press.
* Kim Morrissey (1998). ''Clever as Paint: The Rossettis in Love (playscript)'', Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press.
* Lucinda Hawksley (2004). ''Lizzie Siddal: The Tragedy of a Pre-Raphaelite Supermodel'', Andre Deutsch.
== Liammoù diavaez ==
Linenn 31 ⟶ 24:
* [http://lizziesiddal.com/portal/?p=25 Lizheroù skrivet gant Elizabeth Siddal]
* [http://lizziesiddal.com/portal/?p=167 Luc'hskeudennoù bez Elizabeth Siddal]
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