Robot : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
D Bot : ar:روبوت zo ur pennad eus an dibab; Kemm dister
Cheñch skeudenn na zeue ket war-wel
Linenn 1:
[[Restr:Actroid-DER 01.jpg|thumb|right|300px|Ar robot Actroid-DER, un [[Android]], savet evit degemer an dud, a oa diskouezet e Diskouezadeg arbennikaet Aichi 2005.]]
[[Restr:TOPIO 3.0.jpg|150px|thumb|[[TOPIO]], ur robot denheñvel, a c'horie [[ping pong]] e Diskouezadeg robotoù etrebroadel Tokyo (IREX) e 2009.<ref>{{Cite news|url =|title=A Ping-Pong-Playing Terminator|publisher=Popular Science}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news|url =|title=Best robot 2009|}}</ref>]]
Ur '''robot''' zo un ardivink speredek a c'hall seveniñ labourioù e-unan, pe o vezañ renet. Da gustum, ur robot zo un ardivink [[tredantreloc'herezh|tredantreloc'hel]] renet gant un [[urzhiataer]] ha dre brogrammadur elektronek. Emren pe hanter-emren e c'hall ar robotoù bezañ, en o mesk daou seurt diazez : ar re a vez implijet gant an enkaskerien hag a labour en endro an dud, evel [[ASIMO]] ha [[TOPIO]], hag ivez ar re o deus palioù resis ha dibar, evel an [[Nanoroboteg|nanoroboto]]ù pe ar [[robot hed|robotoù hed]]; ha robotoù skoazeller a vez implijet d'ober pe da zilec'hiañ traoù pe da seveniñ labourioù dañjerus pe arabadus, evel [[robot industriezh|robotoù an industriezh]] pe ar [[robot heloc'h|robotoù heloc'h]] pe ar [[robot ti|robotoù mevel]]. Ur perzh boutin dezhe ivez zo e roont ar soñj, dre o neuz pe o fiñvoù, o deus ur mennozh pe ur pal dioute o-unan.
<!-- Basic historical background from mechanical aids to automata -->
When societies began developing nearly all production and effort was the result of human labour. As mechanical means of performing functions were discovered, and mechanics and complex mechanisms were developed, the need for human labour was reduced. Machinery was initially used for repetitive functions, such as lifting water and grinding grain. With technological advances more complex machines were slowly developed, such as those invented by [[Hero of Alexandria]] (in Egypt) in the 1st century AD, and the first half of the second millennium AD, such as the Automata of [[Al-Jazari]] in the 12th century AD (in [[History_of_iraq#Arab_conquest_and_Abbasid_Caliphate|medieval Iraq]]). They were not widely adopted as human labour, particularly slave labour, was still inexpensive compared to the capital-intensive machines. Men such as [[Leonardo Da Vinci]] in 1495 through to [[Jacques de Vaucanson]] in 1739, as well as rediscovering the [[Ancient Greek technology|Greek engineering]] methods, have made plans for and built automata and robots leading to books of designs such as the Japanese ''Karakuri zui'' (''Illustrated Machinery'') in 1796. As mechanical techniques developed through the Industrial age we find more practical applications such as [[Nikola Tesla]] in 1898, who designed a radio-controlled torpedo, and the [[Westinghouse Electric Corporation]] creation of Televox in 1926. From here we also find a more [[android (robot)|android]] development as designers tried to mimic more human-like features including designs such as those of biologist Makoto Nishimura in 1929 and his creation [[Gakutensoku]], which cried and changed its facial expressions, and the more crude [[Elektro]] from Westinghouse in 1938.
Electronics then became the driving force of development instead of mechanics, gant ijinadenn ar c'hentañ [[robot emren]] elektronek krouet gant [[William Grey Walter]] e [[Bristol]], e 1948. ijinet e oa ar c'hentañ robot digital and programmable gant [[George Devol]] e 1954 hag aoa badezet [[Unimate]]. Devol a werzhas ar c'hentañ Unimate da [[General Motors]] e 1960 hag e oa implijeteno da zibradañ pezhioù metal tomm from [[die casting]] machines in a plant e Trenton en [[New Jersey]]. Since then we have seen robots finally reach a more true assimilation of all technologies to produce robots such as [[ASIMO]] a c'hall bale ha fiñval evel un den. Ar robotoù o deus kemeret lec'h ar sklaved in the assistance of performing those repetitive and dangerous tasks which humans prefer not to do, or are unable to do due to size limitations, or even those such as in outer space or at the bottom of the sea where humans could not survive the extreme environments.
== Orin ar ger ==
Linenn 27 ⟶ 20:
== Notennoù ==
== Liammoù diavaez ==
* {{en}} [ Robot]
* {{fr}} [ Enklaskoù ar CNRS e roboteg]
== Liammoù diavaez ==
* {{fr}} [ Enklaskoù ar CNRS e roboteg]