Yann a Leiden : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

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Jan a oa mab anpriedel ur maer izelvroat hag ur c'hemener diouzh e vicher. Ganet oa bet e kêriadenn [[Zevenhoven]] en kumun [[Nieuwkoop]], e proviñs [[Holland ar Su]]. Savet en dienez e teuas ez yaouank da vezañ ur prezegenner karismatek azeulet gant e ziskibled. Un [[advadezour]] oa, en un doare kuzh da gentañ mat dont a reas goude da vezañ ur prezegenner anavezet gant ar strollad betek kemer penn Emsavadeg [[Münster]] a-benn ar fin.
Hervezan e-unan e teuas d'ober e annez e [[Münster]] e [[1533]] peogwir en doa klevet e oa prezegennerien awenet eno. Goulen a reas digant [[Jan Matthys]] en doa badezet anezhañ dont gantañ. Matthys, gwelet evel ur profed, a zeuas buan da vezañ levier pennañ ar gêr. Argas a reas an holl gatoliked ha sevel a reas un aozadur boutinour diazezet war an [[Aviel]]. Berzet e voe an arc'hant ha ne voe ket aotreet bezañ perc'henn. Un arme katolik, renet gant [[Franz von Waldeck]], [[Priñs-Eskob Münster, Osnabrück ha Minden]], a lakas seziz war ar gêr. Deiz Sul Fask 1534 e renas Matthys un argad enep ar sezizerien mat lazhet e voe buan. Yann a Leiden a zeuas neuze a vezañ Roue emanvet Münster betek ma voe diskaret e miz Mezheven 1535.
Ren a reas an advadezourien e-pad ar seziz. Kemer a reas plas Matthys evel profed. Sevel a reas un Urzh Roueel hag ul Lez gant ar madoù bet kemeret digant annezidi Münster. Prometiñ a reas d'e sujidi naonek e vefent dieubet diouzh ar seziz ha digollet abalamour d'o lealded dibleg.
According to his own testimony, he moved to Münster in 1533, because he had heard there were inspired preachers there. He sent for [[Jan Matthys]], who had baptized him, to come. After his arrival Matthys – recognized as a prophet – became the principal leader of the city. Matthys expelled all of the Catholics from the city shortly after his arrival and set up a communist structure based on the Gospels. He outlawed money and forbade owning property. A Catholic supported army, led by [[Franz von Waldeck|Franz von Waldeck, Prince-Bishop of Münster, Osnabrück and Minden]], laid siege to the town of Münster after the Anabaptist takeover. Matthys led an assault on the siege on [[Easter Sunday]] 1534, but died quickly. John of Leiden became self-proclaimed King of Münster until its fall in June 1535.
John of Leiden would lead the Anabaptists during the siege. When he was the leader, he assumed Matthys' position as the prophet and eventually established a Royal Order complete with a Royal Court and a kingly costume, which was made from the property taken from the citizens of Münster. John of Leiden would make many promises to his starving subjects about salvation from the siege and upcoming rewards for their enduring loyalty. This, along with his charisma, kept his position in the city secure until the eventual defeat by the hands of the prince bishop.
TheTrec'het armye ofvoe arme Münster was defeated ine 1535 by the prince-bishopgant [[Franz von Waldeck,]]. andTapet Johne ofvoe LeidenYann wasa capturedLeiden. HeKavet wase foundvoe ine thekav cellarun of a houseti, fromkaset whered'un hetour-meur was taken to a dungeon ine Dülmen, thenha broughtdegaset backen-dro toda MünstervMünster. On January 22, 1536, along with [[Bernhard Krechting]] and [[Bernhard Knipperdolling]], he was tortured and then executed. Each of the three was attached to a pole by an iron spiked collar and his body ripped with red-hot tongs for the space of an hour. After Knipperdolling saw the process of torturing John of Leiden, he attempted to kill himself with the collar, using it to choke himself. After that the executioner tied him to the stake to make it impossible for him to kill himself. After the burning, their tongues were pulled out with tongs before each was killed with a burning dagger thrust through the heart. The bodies were placed in three iron baskets and hung from the steeple of St. Lambert's Church and the remains left to rot. About fifty years later the bones were removed, but the baskets remain.
HisE mottoc'her stur wasoa: ''"Gottes macht is myn cracht"'' (God'sGalloud powerDoue iseo myma strengthnerzh).