Erebos : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

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Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Linenn 2:
'''Erebos''' (Ἔρεϐος / ''Erebos'' e [[henc'hresianeg|gregach]], ''Erebus'' e [[latin]]), a oa al lec’h teñvalañ ha pellañ eus an [[Ifernioù]], ha war un dro ar stêr a dremen dre al lec'h teñval-se.
Dont a reas da vezañ un dudenn, mab da [[C'haos]] ha breur da [[Nyks]]. O-daou int tad ha mamm da [[AetherAither]] (lein an oabl) hahag [[Hemera]] (an Deiz).
Anv zo anezhañ e ''[[TeogoniaTheogonia]]'' [[Hesiodos]]. Hervez [[Hyginus]] e oa tad [[Geras]].
Linenn 21:
:::''And his affections dark as Erebus:''
:::''Let no such man be trusted."''
According to some later legends, Erebus was part of Hades, the underworld. It was where the dead had to pass immediately after dying. After Charon ferried them across the river Acheron, they entered Tartarus, the underworld proper. Erebus was often used as a synonym for Hades, the Greek god of the underworld.
The word is probably from Proto-Indo-European language, *h1regwos, cognate to Old Norse rœkkr, Gothic riqis "darkness", Sanskrit rajani "night", Tocharian orkäm "darkness". Another suggestion is a loan from Semitic, c.f. Hebrew erebh and Akkadian erebu "sunset, evening" (hence, "darkness"). The same etymology of "sunset" has been suggested for Europe.
In Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice, the vampire Lestat says "This Erebus in which we live must have some aristocracy."
[[Rummad: Protogenoi]]