Kazeg : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Linenn 14:
==Sevel kezeg==
Unnek miz e vez ar gazeg o tougen hec'h eal. Kontet e vez etre 320-370 deiz.<ref name=HandH156>Ensminger, M. E. ''Horses and Horsemanship: Animal Agriculture Series.'' Sixth Edition. Interstate Publishers, 1990. ISBN 0-8134-2883-1 p. 156</ref> Mareadoù tommder a vez bep 19-22 deiz adalek deroù an nevezamzer betek kreiz an diskar-amzer. Koulz an tommder evit ar c'hezekenned zo diazezet war hirder an deiz, ha kregiñ a ra pa grog an deizioù da hiraat. Se zo kaoz eo ehanet e-pad ar goañv. Ma vije brazezet e-pad ar goañv e vije oc'h ebeuliañ e-pad ar goañv ivez, da lavarout eo d'ar c'houlz yenaén ha gwashañ d'an ebeul. <ref name=HandH150>Ensminger, M. E. ''Horses and Horsemanship: Animal Agriculture Series.'' Sixth Edition. Interstate Publishers, 1990. ISBN 0-8134-2883-1 p. 150</ref>
<!--As the days shorten, the mare returns to the anestrus period when she is not sexually receptive. Anestrus prevents the mare from conceiving in the winter months, as that would result in her foaling during the harshest part of the year, a time when it would be most difficult for the foal to survive.<ref name=HandH150>Ensminger, M. E. ''Horses and Horsemanship: Animal Agriculture Series.'' Sixth Edition. Interstate Publishers, 1990. ISBN 0-8134-2883-1 p. 150</ref>
However, for competitive purposes, all foals are given an official "birthday" of January 1 (August 1 in the [[Southern hemisphere]]), and many breeders want foals to be born as early in the year as possible. Therefore, many breeding farms begin to put mares "under lights" in late winter in order to bring them out of anestrus early and allow conception to occur in February or March.
Linenn 22:
Mares are sexually mature by age two and are sometimes bred at that age, but generally should not be bred until they themselves have stopped growing, usually by age four or five.<ref name=HandH149>Ensminger, M. E. ''Horses and Horsemanship: Animal Agriculture Series.'' Sixth Edition. Interstate Publishers, 1990. ISBN 0-8134-2883-1 p. 149-150</ref> When a mare foals, she nurses the foal for at least 4 to 6 months before it is weaned, though in the wild a foal may nurse for up to a year.
A healthy, well-managed mare can produce a foal every year into her twenties, though not all breeders will breed a mare every year. In addition, many mare owners also choose to ride their mares and thus do not breed them annually, as a mare in late [[pregnancy]] or nursing a foal is not able to perform at as athletic a standard as one who is neither pregnant nor [[lactation|lactating]]. In addition, some mares become very anxious when separated from their foals, even temporarily, and thus are difficult to manage under saddle until their foals are weaned. -->
Ur gazeg yac'h a c'hallfe ebeuliañ bep bloaz, met ne garfe ket ar vistri sevel ur gazeg bep bloaz. An hini a fell dezhañ mont war e gazeg en deus ezhomm unan ha n'eo ket kenep ha ne vag ket hec'h ebeul, rak ankeniet e vez ar c'hezekenned pa vezont dispartiet diouzh o ebeulien, ha ne vez ket aes o dibrañ.