Azzo VIII d'Este : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
s gant
Linenn 3:
Markiz e voe war-lerc'h marv e dad, [[Obizzo II]]. Damveneg a ra [[Dante]] en Inferno, en dije muntret e dad. Lavarout a ra ivez e oa e hantervab, met n'eo ket sklaer pe e oa lezvab pe mab bastard.
eE penn kentaénkentañ e amzer-ren ne reas nemet brezeliñ : gant [[Padua]], pa voe anvet da varkiz, gant [[Parma]] ha [[Bologna]] e 1295-99. Tamallet e voe dezhañ muntr priñs Bologna, [[Jacopo del Cassero]], a enebe ouzh e raktresoù.
The marriage bargain he struck with Charles II of Naples for his youngest daughter, Beatrice, was notorious in his day and among chroniclers afterwards:[1] Dante asserted that Charles "was seen to sell his own daughter and to bargain over her as corsairs do over slaves."[2] The nuptial agreement survives in the Este archives: Azzo granted his father-in-law 51,000 florins, to be invested in lands in the Regno and in appropriate places in the marquisate of Este, and promised to establish primogeniture in the Este holdings, contrary in fact to Estense traditions, and explicitly disinheriting Azzo's brother Francesco. The wedding was solemnized. Modena and Reggio rebelled in 1306 over an attempt to assign them to Beatrice as part of the bride-price, a custom that had been superseded in Italy by the dowry.
Brudet-kaer e oa an emglev a reas gant Charlez II Naplez evit e verc'h yaouankañ, Beatrice. Skrivañ a reas Dante diwar-benn Charlez "e veze gwelet evel un den a werzhe e verc'h hag a rae marc'had warni evel ma ra morlaeron gant sklavezed." Chomet eo ar c'hontread-eured e dihelloù Este : gant Azzo e voe roet 51,000 florin d'e [[tad-kaer|dad-kaer]], da vezañ postet e douaroù -->
The marriage bargain he struck with Charles II of Naples for his youngest daughter, Beatrice, was notorious in his day and among chroniclers afterwards:[1] Dante asserted that Charles "was seen to sell his own daughter and to bargain over her as corsairs do over slaves."[2] The nuptial agreement survives in the Este archives: Azzo granted his father-in-law 51,000 florins, to be invested in lands in the Regno and in appropriate places in the marquisate of Este, and promised to establish primogeniture in the Este holdings, contrary in fact to Estense traditions, and explicitly disinheriting Azzo's brother Francesco. The wedding was solemnized. Modena and Reggio rebelled in 1306 over an attempt to assign them to Beatrice as part of the bride-price, a custom that had been superseded in Italy by the dowry.
[[Francesco d'Este]] a guitaas Ferrara pa zegouezhas Beatrice hag a eas gant ar c'heodedoù kevredet a-enep da Azzo e 1306, da virout outañ a ren e Lombardia a-bezh.
Linenn 11 ⟶ 13:
[[Rummad: Tiegezh d'Este]]
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