Ekologiezh politikel : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Benoni (kaozeal | degasadennoù)
DDiverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Benoni (kaozeal | degasadennoù)
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Linenn 8:
*local and [[moral purchasing]] provisions for [[government]] especially, requiring the source of supply to follow similar environmental and labour standards as those prevailing in the consuming jurisdiction
*[[measuring well-being]] as an alternative to [[consumer price index]] based means of measuring [[economic growth]]
*Lakaat taosoù ekologel war an holl oberiantizoù saotrus. Ar gouarnamant a rankfe ivez paouez da reiñ sikourioù d'an oberiantizoù-se (labour-douar industriel, industriezhoù saotrus, trabsportoù soatrus, h.a.).
*[[full cost accounting]] and an end to [[dirty subsidy]] of [[pollution]] by [[government]]
*Lakaat war-raok ar produiñ hag ar c'henwerzh lerc'hel (ar [[c'helc'hiad berr]]) evit dioroiñ an ekonomiezh lerc'hel, bevenniñ ar muiañ posubl an niver a hantererien, ha chom hep saotrañ-re dre an transportoù.
*a [[green tax shift]] that would increase consumption and sales taxes on all resource-intensive items, while reducing [[income tax]] and [[capital gains tax]]
*A-enep d'an [[energiezh nukleel]] ha d'an teknikoù risklus pe saotrus dre-vras (ar Benvegadoù Kemmet en un doare Genetek - [[BKG]] - da skouer) o lakaat war-raok [[reolenn ar ragevezh]]. Hervez ar reolenn-se eo ret chom hep lakaat e pleustr un teknik nevez keit ma 'n eus ket bet prouet en un doare skiantel ne lakfe ket en arvar yec'hed ar boudoù bev, pe ar viosferenn en un doare hollek.
*a cessation of all taxes levied against strictly local production and trade
*Stourm a-enep d'ar saotradur el labour-douar (nitratoù, h.a.), dre zioroiñ al labour-douar biologel (hag a rank tamm-ha-tamm kemer plas al labour-douar industriel).
*against [[nuclear power]] and the build up of [[persistent organic pollutants]] - based on a strict adherence to the [[precautionary principle]] where technologies are rejected unless they can be proven to not cause significant harm to the health of living things or the [[biosphere]]. In [[Germany]] and [[Sweden]] programs have been initiated to shut down all nuclear plants (known as [[nuclear power phase-out]]).
*Digastizañ implij an drammoù war skouer an Izel-Vroioù.
*an end to biological forms of pollution and human health damage via the subsidy of [[dairy farming]] and the [[meat industry]]
*unUn [[demokratelezh bevrannvroel]] o eztaolañ er bed politikel ar bevennoù ekologel.
*treating [[waste]] as a [[resource]] - a commodification of something of negative value, previously dumped into the [[commons]] without [[full cost accounting]]
*investing heavily in [[human capital]]
*[[accounting reform]] that would probably disadvantage both labour and large investors in favor of small investors, customers, and the public at large
*an end to the [[War on Drugs]] in the [[United States]] and [[Europe]]
*an end to the [[War on Terrorism]] and the curtailment of [[civil rights]] - focusing instead on growing [[deliberative democracy]] in war-torn regions and the construction of a [[civil society]] with an increased role for women
*[[urban secession]] by major cities to permit them to shake off control of the suburbs and renew their economies in ways that they cannot do if they require the permission of their surrounding regions, e.g. to tax, ban cars in downtowns, or put money in [[mass transit]] instead of [[highway]]s
*un [[demokratelezh bevrannvroel]] o eztaolañ er bed politikel ar bevennoù ekologel.
Because it lacks clear identification with powerful interest groups, and tends to appeal more to a world-view or [[mindset]], Green politics tends to grow slowly but also not to easily lose ground to other views or parties over time. In [[developed nation]]s Greens have typically stood at 3-12% of the vote for long periods of time without making breakthroughs, usually participating in government as a minority partner, or working at municipal or regional levels. Most Greens reject [[radical centrist politics]] though there is a strong overlap between that perspective and what is occasionally referred to as the "realist" wing of the Greens.