Troia : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
D Robot ouzhpennet: zh-min-nan:Troia
Linenn 33:
[[Menez Ida]] en Azia Vihan is where Ganymede was abducted by Zeus, where [[Anchises]] was seduced by [[Aphrodite]], where Aphrodite gave birth to Aeneas, where Paris lived as a shepherd, where the nymphs lived, where the "[[Judgement of Paris]]" took place, where the Greek gods watched the [[Trojan War]], where [[Hera]] distracted Zeus with her seductions long enough to permit the Achaeans, aided by Poseidon, to hold the Trojans off their ships, and where Aeneas and his followers rested and waited until the [[Greeks]] set out for [[Greece]]. The altar of [[Panomphaean]] (‘source of all oracles’) was dedicated to [[Jupiter the Thunderer]] (''Tonatus'') near Troy. [[Butrint|Buthrotos]] (or Buthrotum) was a city in [[Epirus (region)|Epirus]] where [[Helenus]], the Trojan [[seer]], built a replica of Troy. Aeneas landed there and Helenus foretold his future.'''
==Troia e spered HomerHomeros==
In theEn [[Ilias]], thee stalias an [[AchaeansGresianed|Achaeaned]] seto upkamp theirtost campda nearveg thear mouth of the riverster [[Scamander]] (presumablymoarvat modernar [[Karamenderes|C'haramenderes]] a-vremañ), wheree-lec'h theym'o haddoa beacheddouaret theiro shipsvigi. TheKer cityTroia ofa Troyoa itselfsavet stoodwar-lein onur a hillrun, acrossen tu all theda plainblaenenn ofar Scamander, wherelec'h theen battlesem ofgavas theemgannoù Trojanar War[[brezel took placeTroia]]. TheHiziv, sitelec'hiadenn ofar thesite ancientgozh city'zo todayur is15 somekilometrad 15bennaket kilometersdiouzh froman the coastaod, but the ancientmet mouthsbeg ofkozh allegedar Scamander, some 3,000 yearsbloaz ago'zo, werea oa someur 5 kilometerskilometrad furtherbennaket inlandpelloc'h pouringen intodiabarzh an douaroù, hag ar ster a bayrede thate-barzh hasur sincebae beenhag filleda withzo bet leuniet bremañ gant al [[alluvialliñvaj]] material.
==Arkeologiezh Troia==