Homofiliezh : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Neal (kaozeal | degasadennoù)
DDiverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Neal (kaozeal | degasadennoù)
D kendalc'h
Linenn 8:
Implijet e vez an termen '''homofiliezh''' e lec'h "[[heñvelrevelezh]]" evit komz eus darempredoù diazezet war ar garantez pe ar mignoniezh etre daou den eus an hevelep [[rev]] hep ma vije graet dave da darempredoù reizhel kenetreze.
'''Homophilia''' is attraction and love between people of the same gender. Unlike the related term [[homosexuality]], the term homophilia does not assume [[sex]] as a part of the relationship. Because most people so closely link [[love]] and sex, the term homophilia is rarely used, while the term homosexuality is in general use.
Some examples of when ''homophilia'' may be a useful term include:
Talvoudus e c'hell bezañ ober an diforc'h etre an homofiliezh hag an heñvelrevelezh e meur a degouez, da skwer:
* the intense friendships formed between [[boy]]s and between [[girl]]s before [[puberty]].
* the lovingly devoted relationships formed between members of gender-segragated sport teams, social clubs, and [[military]] batallions in which homosexuality would be considered taboo
<!--* the intense friendships formed krennarded ha krennardezed yaouank;
* the passionate spiritual bonds formed amongst monks and nuns, or other gender-segregated people of [[religion]]. These people may even be openly [[gay]] while maintaining [[chastity]].
* the love of heterosexual people for friends of the same gender, this love sometimes meaning more to them than the sexual and romantic love they engage in through dating and [[marriage]].
* the lovingly devoted relationships formed between members of gender-segragated sport teams, social clubs, and [[military]] batallions in which homosexuality would be considered taboo;
* the loving, non-sexual bonds which can form between same-gender gay friends. Each friend may consider the other their closest spiritual and emotional relationship, but engage in sexual relationships only with others
* al liammoù personel ha speredel kreñv hag a sav alies etre [[Manac'h|menec'h]] pe etre [[Leanez|leanezed]] pe tud all o vevañ e kumuniezhioù digemmesk evit abegoù [[Relijion|relijiel]]. These people may even be openly [[gay]] while maintaining [[chastity]];
* the love of heterosexual people for friends of the same gender, this love sometimes meaning more to them than the sexual and romantic love they engage in through dating and [[marriage]].;
* the loving, non-sexual bonds which can form between same-gender gay friends. Each friend may consider the other their closest spiritual and emotional relationship, but engage in sexual relationships only with others-->
Linenn 21 ⟶ 27:
* [[Lesbianelezh]]
* [[Revelezh denel]]
* [[Heñvelreizhouriezh (termenadurezh)]]
* [[LGBT]]
{{Porched revelezh}}