Vortigern : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Linenn 9:
Er pennad 23 e skriv penaos e reas "an holl guzulierien, a-gevret gant ''an tirant lorc'hus-se'' [''omnes consiliarii una cum superbo tyranno''] ur fazi bras o pediñ "ar Saozon kriz ha difeiz " da chom en Enez Vreizh.
Hervez Gweltaz e teuas ur strolladig anezho da gentañ, da ziazezañ "e reter an enez, pedet gant an tirant gwallchañsus [''infaustus'']". Hag ar re-se a bedas muioc'h a genvroiz c'hoazh, ma kreskasokreskas o zrevadenn. Goude e c'houlennas ar Saozon ma vije kresket o goproù, pezhapezh a voe nac'het, ha neuze e voe torret an emglev etreze hag ar Vrezhoned, hag int da stagañ da breizhata dre ar vro.
N'eo ket sklaer hag-eñ e voe meneget anv Vortigern gant Gweltaz. En embannadurioù saoznek zo ne vez ket meneget e anv. Koulskoude eo roet gant daou zornskrid. E ''Codex Abrincencsis'', anavezet ivez evel ''Mommsen's MS. A'' ( e levraoueg kêr [[Avranches]] [[Manuscript|MS]]. 162) (12vet kantved ), meneg eus ''superbo tyranno Vortigerno''; ha ''Mommsen's MS. X'' ([[Cambridge University Library]] MS. Ff. I.27) (13vet kantved) meneg eus ''Gurthigerno Brittanorum duce''. Pa weler eo meneget an anv gant [[Bede]] e c'haller krediñ e oa roet gant Gweltaz ivez.
Linenn 17:
*An eil tra eo homañ: adlavarout a ra e oa bet "diouganet [d'ar Saozon] gant un diouganer en o zouez'' e vije dalc'het gante ar vro a oant o vont dezhi e-pad tri c'hant bloaz, hag an hanter eus an amzer, da lavarout eo kant hanter-kant vloaz, ne rafent nemet preizhata.
Kement-se n'hall ket bezañ bet lavaret nag ijinet gant ur [[Roman]] pe ur [[Brezhon]].
Gwech ebet ne lavar Gweltaz e oa ur roue eus Vortigern. Un tirant eo (tyrannus), emezañ, met n'eo ket eñ an hini zo pennkaoz d'ar bedadenn graet d'ar Saozon.
Linenn 22 ⟶ 24:
'''Vortigern''' ({{pronEng|ˈvɔrtɨɡɝːn}}; {{lang-cy|Gwrtheyrn}}; {{lang-ang|Wyrtgeorne}}; {{lang-br|Guorthigern}}; {{lang-gle|Foirtchern}}), also spelled '''Vortiger''' and '''Vortigen''',
Gildas never addresses Vortigern as the king of Britain. He is termed an usurper (tyrannus), but not solely responsible for inviting the Saxons. To the contrary, he is supported/supporting a "Council", which may be a government based on the representatives of all the "cities" (''civitates'') or a part thereof. Gildas also does not see Vortigern as bad; he just qualifies him as "unlucky" (''infaustus'') and lacking judgement, which is understandable, as these mercenaries proved to be faithless.
Modern scholars have debated the various details of Gildas' story, and attempted to pry open his language after more information. One point of discussion has been over the words Gildas uses to describe the Saxon's subsidies (''annonas'', ''epimenia''), and whether they are legal terms used in a treaty of ''[[foederati]]'', a late [[Roman Empire|Roman]] political practice of settling allied barbarian peoples within the boundaries of the Empire to furnish troops to aid in the defence of the Empire. Further, it is not known if private individuals imitated this practice. Another point of debate has been exactly where in Britain Gildas meant with his words "on the eastern side of the island": could it be [[Kent]], [[East Anglia]], or the coast of [[Northumbria]]? Or were they simply spread over 'the eastern side'? But Gildas also describes that their raids took them "sea to sea, heaped up by the eastern band of impious men; and as it devastated all the neighbouring cities and lands, did not cease after it had been kindled, until it burnt nearly the whole surface of the island, and licked the western ocean with its red and savage tongue" (chapter 24).
Linenn 108 ⟶ 110:
GWRTHEYRN ( VORTIGERN ) . According to Bede , Historia Ecclesiastica , the Saxons came to Britain to assist the Britons against the Picts and the Scots , being invited to do so by the Britons and their king ‘ Uurtigern .’ The Roman emperors at that time were Marcian and Valentinian ; they began to govern, according to Bede , in A.D. 449 . Not so, says Plummer ( Baedae Opera , ii, 27), but in 450 , and Marciand in 457 . Bede wrote this in 731 ; he had seen the lachrymose book of the Briton Gildas (q.v.) which was written before 547 , the year in which Maelgwn Gwynedd (q.v.) d. There it is related (§ 23) that such a blindness fell upon all the counsellors and upon their proud ruler that instead of a garrison to defend their country they brought complete destruction upon it — because, in order to drive out the tribes from the north, they received into the island, like wolves into a sheepfold, the fiercely wild and impious Saxons , a people hated by God and men. These hired troops turned upon him who had engaged them and laid waste his kingdom. The first part of the land into which they dug their frightful claws was the eastern extremity of the island and that ‘at the request’ of the unfortunate king . It would be better to read ‘at the command’ or ‘at the behest of’ — the Latin reads ‘iubente’ — because the reference is to the land given them by the king as a dwelling place.
GWRTHEYRN ( VORTIGERN ) . According to Bede , Historia Ecclesiastica , the Saxons came to Britain to assist the Britons against the Picts and the Scots , being invited to do so by the Britons and their king ‘ Uurtigern .’ The Roman emperors at that time were Marcian and Valentinian ; they began to govern, according to Bede , in A.D. 449 . Not so, says Plummer ( Baedae Opera , ii, 27), but in 450 , and Marciand in 457 . Bede wrote this in 731 ; he had seen the lachrymose book of the Briton Gildas (q.v.) which was written before 547 , the year in which Maelgwn Gwynedd (q.v.) d. There it is related (§ 23) that such a blindness fell upon all the counsellors and upon their proud ruler that instead of a garrison to defend their country they brought complete destruction upon it — because, in order to drive out the tribes from the north, they received into the island, like wolves into a sheepfold, the fiercely wild and impious Saxons , a people hated by God and men. These hired troops turned upon him who had engaged them and laid waste his kingdom. The first part of the land into which they dug their frightful claws was the eastern extremity of the island and that ‘at the request’ of the unfortunate king . It would be better to read ‘at the command’ or ‘at the behest of’ — the Latin reads ‘iubente’ — because the reference is to the land given them by the king as a dwelling place.
Towards the year 796 Nennius (q.v.) wrote his Historia Brittonum , in part from foreign chronicles and in part from Welsh tradition. He calls the king ‘ Guorthigirnus ,’ and the leaders of the Saxons ‘ Hors ’ and ‘ Hengist ,’ adding that they had been exiled from Germany ; he relates that the king received them in a kind manner and gave them the island which in their tongue is called ‘ Tanet .’ Bede assigns this occurrence to the year 347 after the Passion of Christ — ‘when Gratianus and Equitius were the rulers’ ( Mommsen , 171-2). This is much too early; as Stenton says ( Anglo-Saxon England , 1), when S. Germanus visited Britain in 447 the Britons had not yet been conquered by the barbarians. He places the ‘invitation’ to the Saxons between 446 and 454 and that seems a possible date. It is consistent with the testimony of archaeology to the presence of English settlements in Britain some time before the end of the 5th cent. ; it also agrees with the pedigrees given by Nennius himself (£ 49) — from ‘ Fernmail ,’ who was king of ‘ Buelt ’ and ‘ Guorthigirniaun ’ when he was writing, to ‘ Guorthigirn Guortheneu ’ son of ‘ Guitaul ’ son of ‘ Guitolin ’ son of ‘ Gloiu ’ he gives eleven names. Between 450 and 798 there are 348 years; share these among the eleven persons and each is given a generation of thirty-one and seven-elevenths years. That is not unreasonable.
Linenn 120 ⟶ 121:
According to the ecclesiastical version of the tale as found in the ‘vita’ of S. Germanus , Gwrtheyrn was guilty of incest and of marrying his own daughter. He was cursed by the saint and hounded from place to place. A fire from heaven came and burnt him and his wives in Caer Wrtheyrn , Dyfed , near the river Teifi .
No light at all is thrown on the manner in which Gwrtheyrn became king of the Britons or on his relationship to the sons of Cunedda (q.v.) in Wales . As Gildas also extols the bravery of Emrys , one might conclude that what is now England was his battle-ground, and that what is now Wales was left to the sons of Cunedda . Gildas 's praise of Emrys shows that the latter was a Roman ; his name, Ambrosius Aurelianus , was Latin , as was that of ‘ Artorius ’ ( Arthur ) . Gwrtheyrn bears a Celtic name — but his father and grandfather bore Latin names. An dAnd so with Cunedda . All this shows the admixture of blood and tradition which characterized the men who became prominent in Wales after the departure of the Romans .
==Vortigern el lennegezh==
Anavet eo [[William Henry Ireland]] evel falser hag oberour falsdornskridoù, diwar zorn [[William Shakespeare]] hervezañ. Kavet en doa, emezañ, ur pezh kollet anvet ''[[Vortigern and Rowena]]'', a voe c'hoariet e [[Drury Lane]] d'an [[2 a viz Ebrel]] [[1796]]. Evel ma oa anat diouzh an doare-skrivañ n'halle ket bezañ labour Shakespeare, ha goapaet e voe ar pezh adalek ar c'hoariadenn gentañ.<ref>[http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/ireland.html William Henry Ireland's Shakespeare Forgeries]</ref> Kement-se zo bet kontet er romant''[[The Lambs of London]]'' diwar zorn [[Peter Ackroyd]] e 2004 .