Kaezouregezh : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Neal (kaozeal | degasadennoù)
na rit ket bil - troet e vo ar peurrest emberr
Neal (kaozeal | degasadennoù)
Linenn 8:
Ar '''gaezouregezh''' a ra dvedave d'un oadvezh ma krog da gemm korf ur bugel evit dont da vezañ un den en he/e oad gouest da engehentañ. Krennarded/ezed a vez graet eus an dud en oadvezh-se c'hoazh mui-pe-vui.
Daoust hag ar c'hemmoù degaset gant ar gaezouregezh a zo pskikologel ha fizkel, sklaeroc¡'h eo ar c'hemmoù fizikel hag aesoc'h da deskrivañ a-bnn tizout un termenadur rik.
==Kemmoù er merc'hed==
Linenn 33:
===Kemmoù all===
Dre efed an [[Hormon|hormonoù]] e teu da gemm c'hwezh an dour-c'hwezh ha druzoc'h e teu da vezañ ar c'hroc'hen o kas da gudennoù [[akne]] gwall alies.
Rising levels of [[androgen]]s can change the [[fatty acid]] composition of [[perspiration]], resulting in a more "adult" [[body odor]]. This often precedes thelarche and pubarche by 1 or more years. Another androgen effect is increased secretion of oil ([[sebum]]) from the skin. This change increases the susceptibility to [[acne]], a characteristic affliction of puberty greatly variable in its severity.
Linenn 39:
===Testicular size, function, and fertility===
Kemm fizikel kentañ ar gaezouriezh er boatred eo kresk an divgell peurliesañ. Kregiñ a ra an divgell adal ma vez ganet ur paotr, o kreskiñ buanoc'h-buanañ da vare ar gaezouriezh en un doare splann e-pad ur 6 vloaz bennak. Gant an divgell e vez produet [[sper]] hag [[hormonoù]].
In boys, testicular enlargement is the first physical manifestation of puberty (and is termed [[gonadarche]]). [[Testes]] in prepubertal boys change little in size from about 1 year of age to the onset of puberty, averaging about [[1 E-6 m³|2–3 cc]] in volume and about [[1 E-2 m|1.5-2 cm]] in length. Testicular size continues to increase throughout puberty, reaching maximal adult size about 6 years later. While [[1 E-5 m³|18-20 cc]] is reportedly an average adult size, there is wide variation in the normal population.
The testes have two primary functions: to produce [[hormone]]s and to produce [[sperm]]. The [[Leydig cell]]s produce [[testosterone]] (as described below), which in turn produces most of the changes of male puberty. However, most of the increasing bulk of testicular tissue is spermatogenic tissue (primarily [[Sertoli cell|Sertoli]] and [[interstitial cell]]s). The development of sperm production and [[fertility]] in males is not as well documented. Sperm can be detected in the morning urine of most boys after the first year of pubertal changes (and occasionally earlier).
===Ar c'halc'h===
Mont war gresk a ra ar c'halc'h tamm-ha-tamm adal ma vez tizhet e baevar bloaz gant ur paotr betek ar gaezouregezh. Un nebeut mizioù goude ma krog an [[Kell (organ-genel)|divgell]] da greskiñ e krog ivez ar c'halc'h da vont war hiraat a war devaat. Kenderc'hel da greskiñ ra betek ar 18 vloaz mui-pe-vui.
A boy's [[penis]] grows little from the fourth year of life until puberty. Average prepubertal penile length is [[1 E-2 m|4 cm]]. The prepubertal genitalia are described as Tanner stage 1. Within months after growth of the testes begins, rising levels of testosterone promote growth of the penis and [[scrotum]]. This earliest discernible beginning of pubertal growth of the genitalia is referred to as stage 2. The penis continues to grow until about 18 years of age, reaching an average [[penis size|adult size]] of about [[1 E-1 m|7-14 cm]].
Aliesoc'h ivez e dihodet, gawll alies hep tamm kontroll ebet, ha gouest e teuer da vezañ da strinkañ [[sper]], a-wechoù ivez hep ma vefe klasket ober gant hini pe hinihag alies a-walac'h diouzh an noz pa vezer o kousket. Er penn-kenatañ n'eo ket gwall stank r sper produet gnt n divgell.
Although [[erection]]s and [[orgasm]] occur in prepubertal boys, they become much more common during puberty, accompanied by a markedly increased [[libido]]. [[Ejaculation]] becomes possible early in puberty; prior to this boys may experience [[dry orgasm]]s. Emission of seminal fluid may occur due to [[masturbation]] or spontaneously during sleep (commonly termed a ''wet dream'', and more clinically called a ''[[nocturnal emission]]''). The ability to ejaculate is a fairly early event in puberty compared to the other characteristics. However, in parallel to the irregularity of the first few periods of a girl, for the first one or two years after a boy's first ejaculation, his seminal fluid may contain few active sperm.
===Kaezour (blev moudennek)===
Alies e teu war wel ar c'haezour nebeut goude ma krog an organoù genel da greskiñ, peurliesañ tro-dro d'ar c'halc'h da gentañ-penn. Kreskiñ a ra war-lerc'h stankoc'h-stankañ war an divc'har ha betek ar [[Begell|vegellbegel]].
Gwelet a vez blev o kregiñ da greskiñ dindan an divgazel, tro-dro d'ar [[fraezh]], war an diweuz, ar groñj hag an divjod.
===Ar vouezh===
Abalamour d'an [[androgen|androgenoù]] ec'h a war vrasaat an [[Kornailhenn|gornailhenn]] ken hini ar botred hag hini ar verc'hed. Er baotred avat e kresk kalz muioc'h ha kemmañ a ra ar vouezh o vont war izelaat. Er penn-kenatñ e c'hell kemmañ ar vouezh a-daol trumm o vont war izelaat ha neuze o pignat skiltrus.
Under the influence of androgens, the [[voice box]], or [[larynx]], grows in both genders. This growth is far more prominent in boys, causing the male voice to drop, rather abruptly, about one [[octave]], probably because the larger [[vocal folds]] have a lower [[fundamental frequency]]. Occasionally, this is accompanied by cracking and breaking sounds in the early stages. Most of the voice change happens during stage 4 of male puberty around the time of peak growth. However, it usually precedes the development of significant facial hair by several months to years.
Ne gresk ket ar baotred na ken buan na ken a-bred evit ar merc'hed dre vras, met pdoutpadout a rra pelloc'h. Peurliesañ e krog korf ar boatred da vont war vrasaat 9 miz bennak goude ma krog an divgell da greskiñ ha kreskiñ a ra buanoc'h-buanañ ar c'horf tro-dro da daou vloaz gouide ma krogas ar gaezouregezh.
In boys, growth begins to accelerate about 9 months after the first signs of testicular enlargement and the peak year of the growth spurt occurs about 2 years after the onset of puberty.
===Stumm ar c'horf===
Da diwezh prantad ar gaezouregezh e teu [[Askorn|eskern]] ar botred da vezañ pouneneroc'h ha gant div wezh muic'h a danvezenn [[Kigenn|gigennek]]. Kregiñ a ra ar c'higennoù da gregiñ da vat da diwezh ar prosez tamm-ha-tamm.
By the end of puberty, adult men have heavier [[bone]]s and nearly twice as much skeletal [[muscle]]. This muscle develops mainly during the later stages of puberty.
===Kemmoù all===
Dre efed an [[Hormon|hormonoù]] e teu da gemm c'hwezh an dour-c'hwezh ha druzoc'h e teu da vezañ ar c'hroc'hen o kas da gudennoù [[akne]] gwall alies.
Rising levels of androgens can change the fatty acid composition of perspiration, resulting in a more "adult" body odor. As in girls, another androgen effect is increased secretion of oil (sebum) from the skin and the resultant variable amounts of acne.
===Kresk an divronn er baotred===
===Breast development in boys: pubertal gynecomastia===
[[Estradiol]] is produced from testosterone in male puberty as well as female, and male [[breast]]s often respond to the rising estradiol levels. This is termed [[gynecomastia]]. In most boys, the breast development is minimal, similar to what would be termed a "breast bud" in a girl, but in many boys, breast growth is substantial. It usually occurs after puberty is underway, may increase for a year or two, and usually diminishes by the end of puberty. It is increased by extra adipose tissue if the boy is [[obesity|overweight]].
Although this is a normal part of male puberty for perhaps half of boys, breast development is usually as unwelcome as upper lip hair in girls, and can be removed surgically if the boy's distress is substantial.
Linenn 77 ⟶ 72:
==Puberty as a neurohormonal process==
The onset of this neurohormonal process may precede the first visible body changes by 1-2 years.
The endocrine [[reproductive]] system consists of the [[hypothalamus]], the [[pituitary gland|pituitary]], the [[gonad]]s, and the [[adrenal gland]]s, with input and regulation from many other body systems. True puberty is often termed "central puberty" because it begins as a process of the [[central nervous system]]. A simple description of hormonal puberty is as follows:
Linenn 85 ⟶ 82:
#Rising levels of estradiol and testosterone produce the body changes of female and male puberty.
The onset of this neurohormonal process may precede the first visible body changes by 1-2 years.
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