Egipteg : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
TXiKiBoT (kaozeal | degasadennoù)
D Robot ouzhpennet: sh:Egipatski jezik; Kemm dister
Linenn 1:
{{Infobox Language
| name=Egyptian
| nativename= ''{{transl|egy|r n km.t}}<br /><hiero>r:Z1 n km m t:O49</hiero><br />
| region=[[Ancient Egypt]]
| extinct=evolved into [[Demotic (Egyptian)|Demotic]] by 600 BC, into [[Coptic language|Coptic]] by AD 200, and was extinct (not spoken as a day-to-day language) by the 17th century. It survives as the liturgical language of the Christian Coptic Church.
Linenn 7:
| script=[[Egyptian hieroglyph|hieroglyphs]], [[cursive hieroglyphs]], [[hieratic]], [[Demotic Egyptian|demotic]] and [[Coptic alphabet|Coptic]] (later, occasionally [[Arabic script]] in government translations)
| iso2=egy|iso3=egy
| map=[[ImageSkeudenn:Papyrus Ebers.png|frame|center|200px|[[Ebers papyrus|Ebers Papyrus]] detailing treatment of [[asthma]].]]
| notice=nonotice}}
Linenn 154:
<hiero>r</hiero> ''r''
''l'', in writing expressed as ''n'', ''r'', ''j'', ''nr'' or ''3''<ref>another interpretation is suggested by Christopher Ehret: ''Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic (Proto-Afrasian): Vowels, Tone, Consonants, and Vocabulary.'' ''University of California Publications in Linguistics 126'', California, Berkeley 1996. ISBN 05200979980-520-09799-8</ref> or often as the lion-shaped biliteral ''rw''.
Traditional ''alef'' (''3'') may also have been a [[alveolar approximant]] {{IPA|/ɹ/}}.
Linenn 393:
Sevenadur Henegipt zo unan eus ar re o deus levezonet hon hini. Un nebeut gerioù zo tremenet en hor yezh dre hanterouriezh hon amezeien. Koulskoude, ar re a seller oute evel liammet ouzh [[Henegipt]] zo alies gerioù gresianeg pe treuzkaset dindano stumm gresianeg. E-touez an nebeud skouerioù emañ ''ebena'' (Egipteg ''ḥbny'', dre an [[henc'hresianeg]] hag al latin), <!-- ''ivory'' (Egyptian abw / abu, literally 'ivory; elephant'), --> ''[[feniks]]'' (egipteg ''bnw'', da lâret eo '[[kerc'heiz]]'; treuzkaset dre ar gresianeg), ''Faraon'' (egipteg ''pr-ˁʒ'', "ti bras"; treuzkaset dre an [[hebraeg]]), hag anvioù tud evel ''Fineas'' (egipteg, ''pʒ-nḥsy'', "An hini du," "Phineas" e saozneg, Implijet evel ger hollek evit estrañjourien [[Nubia]]) ha ''Suzan'' (egipteg ''sšn'', "boked [[lotuz]]"; treuzkaset dre an hebraeg da gentañ moarvat).
== Notennoù ==
== Levrlennadur ==
* [[Antonio Loprieno|Loprieno, Antonio]], ''Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction'', Cambridge University Press, 1995. ISBN 0-521-44384-9 (hbk) ISBN 0-521-44849-2 (pbk)
=== Yezhadurioù ===
* [[James P. Allen|Allen, James P.]], ''Middle Egyptian - An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs'', first edition, Cambridge University Press, [[1999]]. ISBN 0-521-65312-6 (hbk) ISBN 0-521-77483-7 (pbk)
* Collier, Mark, and Manley, Bill, ''How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs : A Step-by-Step Guide to Teach Yourself'', British Museum Press (ISBN 0-7141-1910-5) and University of California Press (ISBN 0-520-21597-4), both in [[1998]].
Linenn 405:
* Hoch, James E., ''Middle Egyptian Grammar'', Benben Publications, Mississauga, [[1997]]. ISBN 0-920168-12-4
=== Geriadurioù ===
* [[Raymond O. Faulkner|Faulkner, Raymond O.]], ''A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian'', Griffith Institute, Oxford, [[1962]]. ISBN 0-900416-32-7 ([[hardback]])
* [[Leonard H. Lesko|Lesko, Leonard H.]], ''A Dictionary of Late Egyptian'', 4 Vols., B.C. Scribe Publications, [[Berkeley, California|Berkeley]], [[1982]]. ISBN 0-930548-03-5 (hbk), ISBN 0-930548-04-3 (pbk).
* Shennum, David, ''English-Egyptian Index of Faulkner's Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian'', Undena Publications, [[1977]]. ISBN 0-89003-054-5
=== Geriadurioù enlinenn ===
* [ Online Translator''] - Treiñ a ra gerioù saozneg ha frazennoù, e hieroglifoù Henegipt
* [ The Beinlich Wordlist], Geriadur enlinenn evit ar gerioù egipteg kozh (troidigezhioù en [[alamaneg]])
* [ Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae], Ur servij enlinenn abaoe [[2004]], liammet ouzh ur bern raktresoù [[egiptologiezh]] alaman, en o zouez ar pikol ''[ Altägyptisches Wörterbuch]'' eus ar Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Akademiezh skiantoù Brandenburg, [[Berlin]], [[Alamagn]]).
Linenn 475:
[[pt:Língua egípcia]]
[[ru:Египетский язык]]
[[sh:Egipatski jezik]]
[[sk:Egyptčina (stará)]]