Jacob Aagaard : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

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== OberennOberennoù skrivet ==
Dutch Stonewall 1857442520
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Queen's Indian Defence'', L'Académie des Jeux, Lyon;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Easy Guide to the Panov-Botvinnik Attack'', 1857445635;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''InsideEasy Guide to the chessSveshnikov mindSicilian'', L'Académie des Jeux, Lyon, Here 2004.1857442806;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Excelling at Chess'' 1857442733;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Sicilian Kalashnikov'' 1857442571;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Meeting 1d4'' 1857442245;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Queen's Indian Defence'', L'Académie des Jeux, Lyon, 1857443004;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Excelling at Positional Chess: How the Best Players Plan and Manoeuvre'', 185744325X;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Starting Out: the Grunfeld Defence'', 1857443500;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Excelling at Combinational Play :Learn to Identify and Exploit Tactical Chances'', 1857443454;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Inside the Chess Mind: How players of all levels think about the game'', L'Académie des Jeux, Lyon, Here 2004;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Excelling at Technical Chess'', 1857443640;
* Jacob Aagaard, ''Excelling at Chess Calculation: Capitalising on tactical chances'' 1857443608.
[[Rummad:Tud|Aagaard, Jacob]]