Dafydd ap Gruffudd : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Linenn 12:
==Brezel 1282-83==
Promesaoù a oa bet graet d'ar priñs Dafydd gant Edward: douaroù a vije roet dezhañ en hanternoz Kembre evit e skoazell. Met ne voe ket roet dezhañ kement tra a c'hortoze. Da [[sulSul ar Bleunioù]] [[1282]] e voe arsailhet [[Penarlâg]] gant Dafydd, ha setu kroget ar brezel a gasas Gwynedd da get.<br />
Ne voe ket bihan perzh Dafydd er brezel ha pa voe lazhet Llywelyn e [[Cilmeri]], e dibenn ar bloaz 128?1282, e voe anvet da briñs e-lec'h e vreur.
Linenn 37:
*[[Gwladus ferch Gruffudd]] (died 1261) married [[Rhys Fechan]] (died 1271) of Ystrad Tywi.
*[[Margaret ferch Gruffudd]] married [[Madog ap Gruffudd]] (died 1277) of Powys Fadog. They had two sons, [[Gruffudd ap Madog]] and [[Llywelyn ap Madog]]. The two boys died in mysterious circumstances shortly after the outbreak of war in 1282.
Thomas Pennant<ref>''Tours in Wales'' (1874), citing an MS communicated by the Reverend Mr Price, Keeper of the Bodleian Library.</ref> states that the boys were ‘drowned in the River Dee’ at [[Holt, Wales|Holt]] by their guardians [[John de Warenne, earl of Surrey]], and [[Roger Mortimer the younger]]. D. Powel<ref>''History of Cambria'' (1584).</ref> mentions the ‘destruction’ of the two princes, whose guardians, Warenne and Mortimer, ‘so garded their wardes wit so small regard, that they never returned to their possessions. And shortlie after the said guardians did obtaine the same lands to themselves by charters of the king.’