Magdalena Rudenschöld : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Diverradenn ebet eus ar c'hemm
Linenn 33:
En deiz war-lerc'h e voe kaset Magdalena d'ar chalfod war al leurgêr, a zo bet skrivet e oa "ur ranngalon he gwelout". Gwisket e oa gant ur sae louet, ur gorfenn du, diskempenn he blev, he fenn dalc'het uhel, hag evañ a reas div werennad dour. Glac'haret e oa an arvesterien ouzh he gwelout, eme [[Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp]], abalamour d'''he yaouankiz ...''.
The audience was reported to have felt sorry for her, according to [[Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp]] because of "her youth, her tragic fate and possibly because of the remains of her former beauty". After her reprieve from hanging, a carriage came to take her to jail, and she fainted, according to the writer [[Märta Helena Reenstierna]] "with the same grace and decorum as [[Elisabeth Olin|Mrs. Olin]] once had in Acus and Galathea" (the opera).
One of Rudenschöld's own friends, Count A.F. Skjöldenbrand also described the event: "Only a few of the mob began to shout at her, but Silfverhielm (Commander of the Guard) ordered the guards to silence them". She was supposed to have had an iron collar around her neck, but when the executioner held it up, she shivered and shrugged backwards, after which he <blockquote>