Republik Sokialour Labourerion Finland : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

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Linenn 9:
Ur [[Stad Komunour]] berrbad e oa '''Republik Sokialour Labouerion Finland''' bet krouet da heul un [[dispac'h]] [[Sokialouriezh|sokialour]] d'ar 18 a viz Genver [[1918]] e [[Finland]] goude [[Dispac'h Bolchevikour]] e [[Rusia]]. Kaset e oa bet da benn an dispac'h gant tuad stourm [[Strollad Sokialour Demokratel Finland]] dreist-holl gant [[Otto Ville Kuusinen]] ouzh e benn. Savet e oa bet ur goaurnamant, anvet Kuzul Kannaded ar Bobl, hag a grogas da breutaat diwar-benn ur feuremglev mignoniezh gant [[Rusia|Rusia Soviedel]], bet sinet e [[Petrograd]] d'ar 1 a viz Meurzh. En em staliañ a reas Republik Sokialour Labouerion Finland e su ar vro nemetken ha dont a reas da get e miz Ebrel [[1918]] pa oa bet trec'h ouzh ar Warded Ruz ar [[Gwarded Wenn (Finland)|Warded Wenn]], gant skoazell [[Impaelouriezh Alamagn]] da geñver [[Brezel Diabarzh Finland]].
Levezonet-don e oa bet ar [[Bonreizh]] raktreset evit ar Republik Sokialour gant ar [[sokialdemokratelezh]], diazezoù [[frankizour]] [[Disklêriadur Dishualded ar Stadoù Unanet]] gant gant sistem ar c'hantonoù lakaet e pleustr e [[Suis]]. Pal pennañ ar republik e oa adwelet doare mont-en-dro ar gevredigezh dre llakaat da dalveout un [[demokratelezh parlamantel]] diazezet war an emrenerezh vroadel ha divizoù ar bobl. Daosut ha ma vezent brudet a-walc'h d'ar mare-se ne oa ket komz eus [[diktatourelezh ar proletariad]] nag eus lakaat ar servijoù foran hag an armezrh da dont da vezañ dindan beli ar galloudoù foran ar gouranamant.
The socialist republic's programme and draft constitution, written by Kuusinen, was heavily influenced by [[social democratic]] ideals; by the generally [[liberal]] ideas of the [[United States Declaration of Independence]], and by the [[Switzerland|Swiss]] cantonal system. The main goal was social reform, and the declared means to achieve this was [[parliamentarism|parliamentary democracy]] based on the principle of [[sovereignty]] of the people and of [[national self-determination]]. Bolshevist thoughts such as [[dictatorship of the proletariat|proletarian dictatorship]] and widespread [[nationalisation]] were not parts of their program. The rebellion in Finland thus differed from the October Revolution and from the various uprisings on the European continent that followed [[World War I|the world war]] such as [[Béla Kun]]'s [[Hungarian Soviet Republic]], the [[Spartacists]] in [[Berlin]], or the [[Munich Soviet Republic]]. The embryonic [[republic]] was heavily dependent on Soviet Russia for support and, had it survived, it may have taken a more radical trajectory under the influence of its [[Bolshevik]] neighbour and under pressure by Bolshevik sympathisers within the Social Democratic Party (including Kuusinen himself), the trade unions and the Red Guards. A few months following the defeat of the republic in the civil war in which much of the leadership of the Social Democratic Party was killed, the party split with a faction of refugees led by Kuusinen forming the [[Communist Party of Finland]] in exile in [[Moscow]].
Disheñvel a-walc'h e oa an emsavadeg bet kaset da-benn e Finland diouzh [[Dispac'h Miz Here]] pe c'hoazh diouzh meur a emsavadeg all a degouezhas dre [[Euopa]] a-bezh, evel da skouer [[Republik Soviedel Hungaria]] pe [[Republik Soviedel Munich]].
The embryonic [[republic]] was heavily dependent on Soviet Russia for support and, had it survived, it may have taken a more radical trajectory under the influence of its [[Bolshevik]] neighbour and under pressure by Bolshevik sympathisers within the Social Democratic Party (including Kuusinen himself), the trade unions and the Red Guards. A few months following the defeat of the republic in the civil war in which much of the leadership of the Social Democratic Party was killed, the party split with a faction of refugees led by Kuusinen forming the [[Communist Party of Finland]] in exile in [[Moscow]].
==Gwelit ivez==