Republik Soviedel Hungaria : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

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Linenn 3:
[[Rummad: Sokialouriezh]]
[[rummad: Republikoù sokialour]]
Ur [[Republik Soviedel]] berrbad e oa '''Republik Soviedel Hungaria''' ([[hungareg]]: ''Tanácsköztársaság''), bet krouet en [[Hungaria]] d'ar 21 a viz Meurzh hag aet da get pevar miz war-lerc'h e penn-kentañ miz Eost [[1919]].
Linenn 43 ⟶ 41:
O vont kuit diouzh Tchekoslovakia e oa bet lezet [[Republik Soviedel Slovakia]] etre daouarn Arme Tchekoslovakia hag a loubet e oa bet gantañ ha diskaret ar Republik Sovidel-se. Diouzh an tu all, avat, ne gilas ket Roumania evel m'he dije ranket ober hervez an emglev, ha taget e voe ganti [[Budapest]].
Trec'h e oa an [[Entente]] a-benn ar fin ha tec'ghel a reas Béla Kun betek [[Aostria]] d'ar 1 a viz Eost gant komunourion all a renk uhel ha ne vanas war o lerc'h e Budapest nemet un niver bihan a stourmerion, en o zouez [[György Lukács]]. Dilennet e oa bet ur gouarnamant nevez gant Soviedad Labourerion Budapest gant [[Gyula Peidl]] ouzh e benn, met ne badas nemet un nebeud devezhioù rak d'ar 6 a viz Eost e tegouezhas Arme Roumania e Budapest ha lakaet e oa bet fin d'ar republik Soviedel.
<!--The Entente were eventually successful, and Béla Kun fled to Austria on [[August 1]] together with other high-ranking Communists with only a minority remaining in Budapest, including [[Georg Lukács|György Lukács]], the former Commissar for Culture and noted Marxist philosopher, to organise an underground Communist Party. The Budapest Workers' Soviet elected a new government, headed by [[Gyula Peidl]], which only lasted a few days before the Romanian forces entered Budapest on [[August 6]], putting an end to the Hungarian Soviet Republic.
Krehiñ a reas da neuze un taol-chase kriz a-enep d'ar gomunourion anvet ar "[[Spont Gwenn]]" ha lazhet e oa bet hep tamm prosez ebet meur a hini hag o doa savet a-du gant ar Republik Soviedel ha bac'het e oa bet meur a hini all, bet leusket da vont kuit d'an [[Unvaniezh Soviedel]] war-ler'ch an darn vrasañ anezhe da vare ren [[Horthy]] goude ma oa bet sinet un emglev a dne d'an eksemmoù prizonidi etre Hungaria hag URSS.
In the power vacuum created by the fall of the Soviet Republic and the Romanian occupation, the Conservative forces of [[István Bethlen]] and [[Miklós Horthy]] gradually took control of Western Hungary (which was outside the Romanian occupation zone). Semiregular detachments (formally commanded by Horthy, but mostly independent in practice) initiated a campaign of violence against Communists, [[left-wing politics|leftists]] and [[Jew]]s, known as the [[White Terror]]. Many supporters of the Hungarian Soviet Republic were executed without trial, others (e.g. Ágoston Péter, Bajáki Ferenc, Bokányi Dezső, Dovcsák Antal, Haubrich József, Kalmár Henrik, Kelen József, Nyisztor György, Szabados Sándor, Vántus Károly) were imprisoned by trial ("comissar suits"). Most of them were later released to the Soviet Union by amnesty during the reign of Horthy, after a prisoner exchange agreement between Hungary and the Russian Soviet government in [[1921]]. In all, about 415 prisoners were released as a result of this agreement.-->
==Gwelit ivez==