Kaozeal:Yusuf Kabir
kemmañ- Men charged with sodomy by Islamic court, face stoning
- Nigerian men face death by stoning for having gay sex
- Two gay men in Nigeria face death by stoning if convicted
- [url=http://www.ecoi.net/file_upload/470_1161611888_joint-british-danish-fact-finding-mission-to-abuja-and-lagos.pdf Report on human rights issues in Nigeria]
- In due sotto processo per sodomia
- [http://elpais.com/diario/2006/01/22/sociedad/1137884403_850215.html Los hombres de Sabon Gari
- la pena de muerte en los sistemas penales nigerianos
- La ley islámica y travestismo
- Le PS demande à Chirac d'empêcher la condamnation à mort de deux Nigérians
- Nigerian Prisoners and Detainees, Books, LLC, 2010, ISBN 1156803659