Sañset eo Margaret McMurray (marvet e 1760) yezher a-vihanik diwezhañ ar rannyezh gouezeleg Gallobha en Izeldirioù Bro-Skos.

Al lizher-mañ e voe embannet e The Scotsman d'an 18 a viz Du 1951. Da gentañ e voe embannet gant ar Daily Review e 1876:

Sir-I send this in corroboration of the fact that Gaelic was to some extent spoken in Ayrshire in the early part of last century. My grand-aunt, Jean McMurray, who died in 1836 at the age of 87, informed me that Margaret McMurray, the representative of the elder branch of the McMurrays of Cultezron, near Maybole, and who died at a very advanced age about the year 1760, was long talked about as having been the last Gaelic-speaking native of Carrick.
Cultezron is situated about 30 miles north of Glenapp, and seven or eight miles south of Ayr. Cultezron was possessed by several generations of McMurrays, and its name is purely Celtic Cul Tigh Eobhain, (sic) signifying the 'back of Ewan's house'
-I am etc. D. Murray-Lyon Ayr, October 31, 1876

Cultezron (arabat mesklañ gant kastel Culzean e-kichen) zo un atant bihan e fabourzioù kêr Am Magh Baoghail e Siorrachd Inbhir Àir ar Su.

See also
