Ar Pecset a oa ur meuriad Angled a oa en em staliet war-dro 590 e norzh hag e kreiz ar pezh zo hiziv ar Peak District[1] (e rouantelezh vrezhon gozh ar Pek). Ar vro-se a oa gwechal dindan klan keltiek ar Brigantae, ur meuriad Brezhoned, a-raok an aloubadeg angl-ha-saoz.
Hervez an Tribal Hidage e talc'hent 1200 hid. E Derbyshire e oant en em staliet da gentañ, war a seblant, kent mont war-raok a-hed ar stêrioù Derwent ha Dove e-pad ar VIvet kantved. Dont a reas neuze an Angled eus ar reter-se da vezañ anvet Pecsætna pe Pecset[2]. Diwezhatoc'h, o rouantelezh a zeuas da vezañ rann norzh rouantelezh Mercia hag e 848 en em vodas witenagemot Mercia e Repton[2].
Pecsættan Pecset | ||||
| ||||
Kêr-benn | Dianav | |||
Yezh(où) | Hensaozneg | |||
Gouarnamant | Monarkiezh | |||
Istor | ||||
- Krouet | VIvet kantved | |||
- Staget ouzh Mercia | VIIIvet kantved |
kemmañ- ↑ Turbutt, G., (1999) A History of Derbyshire, Volume 1, pp 259-60 Cardiff: Merton Priory Press
- ↑ 2,0 ha2,1 Online Encyclopedia, da gentañ e levrenn V 08, pajenn 73 eus embannadur 1911 an Encyclopedia Britannica
kemmañ- Bigsby, R (1854) Historical and Topographical Description of Repton. London.
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- Dumville,D. "The Tribal Hidage: an introduction to its texts and their history", in The Origins of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms ed. S.Bassett, 1989. ISBN 0-7185-1317-7
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- Hart, C. R. (1981) The North Derbyshire Archaeological Survey. Leeds: A. Wigley & Sons
- Hodges, R. and Wildgoose, M. (1980) "Roman or native in the White Peak", in Branigan, K. (ed) Rome and the Brigantes, 48-53. Sheffield, Sheffield University Press.
- Hodges,R. (1991a) "Notes on the Medieval Archaeology of the White Peak." In R. Hodges and K. Smith (eds) Recent Developments in the Archaeology of the Peak District :111-22 (Sheffield Archaeological Monographs 2) Sheffield.
- Hughes, R. G (1961) "Archaeological Sites in the Trent Valley, South Derbyshire" DAJ 81, 149-50.
- Jones, H. (1997) The Region of Derbyshire and North Staffordshire from AD350 to AD700: an analysis of Romano-British and Anglian barrow use in the White Peak. PhD thesis, University of Nottingham.
- Ozanne, A. (1962-3) "The Peak Dwellers" Medieval Archaeology 6-7, 15-52.
- Roffe, D. (1986b) "The Origins of Derbyshire" DAJ 106, 102-112.
- Rollason et al
- Routh, T. (1937) "A Corpus of the Pre-Conquest Carved Stones of Derbyshire" DAJ 58, 1-46.
- Sidebottom, P.C. (1994), Schools of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture in the North Midlands. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Sheffield.
- Sidebottom P.C (1999) "Stone Crosses in the Peak and the Sons of Eadwulf." DAJ 119, 206-19.
- Stenton, F. (1905) "Introduction to the Derbyshire Domesday", in W. Page (ed) The Victoria History of the County of Derbyshire. London.
- Unwin, T. (1988) "Towards a model of Anglo-Scandinavian rural settlement in England", in Hooke, D. (ed) Anglo-Saxon Settlements, 77-98.
- Yorke, B. (1990) Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England, London: Seaby.