Queen of Hearts (Joan Baez)
Ur pennad The Queen of Hearts zo ivez.
Queen of Hearts (Roud Folk Song Index 3195) zo ur ganaouenn bet kanet gant Joan Baez e 1965, ha gant ar Saoz Martin Carthy.
Dont a ra ar c'homzoù eus ur ganaouenn gozh :
To the Queen of Hearts is the Ace of Sorrow, He's here today and he's gone tomorrow. Young men are plenty but sweethearts few; If my love leave me, what shall I do?
Had I the store in yonder mountain Where gold and silver is there for counting I could not count for thought of thee My eyes so full I could not see
I love my father, I love my mother I love my sister, I love my brother I love my friends and relatives too I'll forsake…
Doare Joan Baez
kemmañEmbannet eo bet er bladenn "Farewell Angelina", e 1965.