The All Sorts of Stories Book
The All Sorts of Stories Book zo un dastumad kontadennoù, e saozneg, embannet e 1911, gant Longmans, skrivet gant "Mrs. Lang", ha skeudennaouet gant H. J. Ford (Patrom:LCCN).
Ennañ 30 kontadenn diwar-benn tud ha traoù a bep seurt : istorioù gwir, mojennoù eus Hellaz, kontadennoù gant Alexandre Dumas, Walter Scott hag Edgar Allan Poe.
- How a Boy became first a Lamb and then an Apple
- The Battle of the White Bull
- The Serpents' Gift
- Meleager the Hunter
- The Vanishing of Bathurst
- In the Shadow of the Guillotine
- The Flight of the King
- The Real Robinson Crusoe, diwar-benn Alexander Selkirk,
- How the Russian Soldier was Saved
- Marbot and the Young Cossack
- Heracles the Dragon-Killer, diwar-benn an haroz Herakles;
- Old Jeffery
- The Adventures of a Prisoner
- What became of Old Mr. Harrison?
- Aunt Margaret's Mirror
- The Prisoner of the Chateau d'lf
- The Hunt for the Treasure
- The Story of the Gold Beetle
- Loreta Velazquez, the Military Spy
- The Farmer's Dream
- The Sword of D'Artagnan
- The Bastion Saint-Gervais
- Little General Monk
- The Horse with Wings
- The Prize of Jeanne Jugan, diwar-benn al leanez vreizhat;
- Unlucky John
- How the Siamese Ambassadors reached the Cape
- The Strange Tale of Ambrose Gwinett
- With the Redskins
- The Wreck of the 'Drake'