Turkey Tayac a oa un indian piscataway hag un doktor dre louzoù. E anv gwir a oa Philip Sheridan Proctor. Ganet e oa e 1895 e Kontelezh Charles e Maryland. Turkey Tayac a oa hini diwezhañ da anavezout ar yezh piscataway. Kenlabouret en deus gant daou yezhour war an algonkeg, Ives Goddard ha Julian Granberry.

En em gannañ a reas e Bro-C'hall e-pad ar Brezel Bed Kentañ. Tost oa da vezañ lazhet gant gaz sezv. Kontañ a reas en doa en em louzaouet dre ar medisinerezh hengounel indian. Distroet e SUA e stourmas evit gwirioù an Indianed a-kerzh an ugentvet kantved.

Daveoù kemmañ

  • Feest, Christian. "Nanticokes and Neighboring Tribes" in Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 15, 1978.
  • Maryland Commission on Indian Affairs, Diskrivañ gant R. Christopher Goodwin, August 12, 1999.
  • Maynor, Malinda. "Native American Identity in the Segregated South: The Indians of Robeson County, North Carolina, 1872-1956." Doctoral Dissertation. Chapel Hill: Skol-Veur Norzhkarolina, 2005.
  • Rountree, Helen C. Pocahontas's People: The Powhatan Indians of Virginia through Four Centuries. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1990.
  • Rountree, Helen C. ha Thomas E. Davidson. Eastern Shore Indians of Virginia and Maryland. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1997.
  • Tayac, Gabrielle. "Stolen Spirits," in Contemporary Issues in American Indian Studies, embannet gant Dane Morrison. Lang Publishers, 1997.
  • ______. "To Speak with One Voice: Supra-Tribal American Indian Collective Identity Incorporation among the Piscataway, 1500-1998." Doctoral Dissertation. Cambridge, MA: Skol-Veur Harvard, 1999.
  • ______. "Keeping the Original Instructions," in Native Universe, embannet gant Clifford Trafzer ha Gerald McMaster. Washington, DC: National Geographic ha National Museum of the American Indian, 2004.
  • ______. "We Rise, We Fall, We Rise," in Smithsonian Magazine, Gwengolo 2004.
  • ______. "From the Deep," in New Tribe, New York, embannet gant Gerald McMaster. Washington, DC: National Museum of the American Indian, 2005.
  • ______.Oral & Documented history of the Southern Maryland Outcase, [ Allie Dragoni ] 2003

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