Ogham : diforc'h etre ar stummoù

Endalc’h diverket Danvez ouzhpennet
D vi-koukoug
D eeunaat ur frazenn
Linenn 7:
<!-- Troet : Use of "classical" Ogham in stone seems to have flowered in the [[5th century|5th]]&ndash;[[6th century|6th centuries]] around the [[Irish Sea]]. The language of the Inscriptions from this period is termed [[Primitive Irish]]. The transition to [[Old Irish]], the language of the earliest sources in the Latin alphabet, takes place in about the 6th century. Since Ogham inscriptions consist almost exclusively of personal names, linguistic information that may be glimpsed from the Primitive Irish period is mostly restricted to [[phonology|phonological]] developments. -->
Seblantout a ra ar skritur Ogham "klasel" war vaen bezañ bet implijet muioc’h-mui adalek ar [[Vvet kantved|{{Vvet}}]] ha [[VIvet kantved|{{VIvet}} kantved]] war dro [[Mor Iwerzhon]]. Graet e vez [[Gouezeleg kentañ]] eus yezh an enskrivadurioù ar mare-hont. Er VI{{vet}} kantved eo c'hoarvezet an tremen d'ar Gouezeleg kozh, yezh implijet e-barzh skridoù koshañ ha skrivet gant lizherennoù latin. Goude ar mare-se, eo bet implijet an Oghamoù evit anvioù-tud nemetken. An titouroù yezh hag a c’haller dezastum diwar studi ar Gouezeleg kentañ a denn da dachenn emdroadurioù ar fonologiezh dreist-holl. Diskouezet eo bet sklaer gant studi ar fonologiezh e oa eus al lizherenneg-se a-raok ar V{{vetVvet}} kantved.
<!-- From phonological evidence, it is clear that the alphabet predates the 5th century. A period of writing on wood or other perishable material prior to the preserved monumental inscriptions needs to be assumed, sufficient for the loss of the phonemes represented by ''úath'' ("H") and ''straif'' ("Z"), which are clearly part of the system, but unattested in inscriptions. This evidence points to a creation not post-dating the [[4th century]]. A possible origin, as suggested by McManus (1991:41), is the early Christian community known to have existed in Ireland in from around AD [[400]] at the latest, the existence of which is attested by the mission of [[Palladius]] by [[Pope Celestine I]] in AD [[431]]. Another possiblility would be 4th century Irish colonies in [[History of Wales|Wales]] who came into contact with the Latin alphabet.
Linenn 23:
==Al lizherenneg==
[[ImageSkeudenn:lizherennegogham.png|thumb|300px|Lizherenneg Ogham]]
[[ImageSkeudenn:Book of Ballymote 170r.jpg|thumb|230px|fol. 170r [[Levr Ballymote]] ([[1390]]), ''[[Auraicept na n-Éces]]'' oa tisplegañzispleg ar skrid Ogham.]]
[[ImageSkeudenn:Ogham airenach.png|thumb|280px|an ''oġam airenach'', talennun c’hournestamm eus ar pajennbajenn a-us kresket.]]
<!-- Troet : The Ogham alphabet consists of twenty distinct characters (''feda''), arranged in four series ''aicmí'' (plural of ''aicme'' "family"; compare ''[[aett]]''). Each aicme was named after its first character (''Aicme Beithe'', ''Aicme hÚatha'', ''Aicme Muine'', ''Aicme Ailme'', "the B Group", "the H Group", "the M Group", "the A Group"). Additional letters are introduced ni manuscript tradition, the so-called ''[[forfeda]]''.-->