The Red Romance Book
The Red Romance Book un dastumad kontadennoù troet e saozneg gant Andrew Lang hag e bried, anezhañ ar pemzekvet eus an 23 levr a zo er rummad The Lang's Fairy Books, hag a voe embannet e 1905.
Ar c'hontadennoù
kemmañEnnañ 29 a istorioù diwar a bep seurt romantoù eus ar Grennamzer pe an Azginivelezh, istorioù marc'hegeien, azasaet evit bugale. En o zouez istorioù eus Don Quijote de la Mancha, Karl Veur, Bevis of Hampton pe Guy of Warwick.
- How William of Palermo was carried off by the Werwolf
- The Disenchantment of the Werwolf
- The Slaying of Hallgerda's Husbands
- The Death of Gunnar
- Njal's Burning
- The Lady of Solace
- Una and the Lion
- How the Red Cross Knight slew the Dragon
- Amys and Amyle
- The Tale of the Cid
- The Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance, diwar Miguel de Cervantes;
- The Adventure of the Two Armies who turned out to be Flocks of Sheep
- The Adventure of the Bobbing Lights
- The Helmet of Mambrino
- How Don Quixote was Enchanted while guarding the Castle
- Don Quixote's Home-coming
- The Meeting of Huon and Oberon, King of the Fairies
- How Oberon saved Huon
- Havelok and Goldborough
- Cupid and Psyche
- Sir Bevis the Strong
- Ogier the Dane
- How the Ass became a Man again
- Guy of Warwick
- How Bradamante conquered the Wizard, eus Orlando Furioso, gant Ludovico Ariosto,
- The Ring of Bradamante
- The Fulfilling of the Prophecy
- The Knight of the Sun
- How the Knight of the Sun rescued his Father