When Johnny Comes Marching Home
When Johnny Comes Marching Home, pe When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again, zo ur ganaouenn stadunanat, savet da vare ar Brezel Diabarzh, diwar-benn c'hoant ar soudarded da vont d'ar gêr da welout o zud ha mignoned.
kemmañSavet e voe gant Patrick Gilmore en 1863 ha sinet Louis Lambert, war don ur ganaouenn iwerzhonat, Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye, ur ganaouenn a-enep ar brezel. Gilmore a oa deuet da Amerika goude 1848. En arme SUA e oa pa skrivas e ganaouenn, o soñjal, a greder, en e c'hoar Annie Gilmore, a bede evit he danvez-pried John O'Rourke, kabiten en arme. Homañ avat n'eo ket ur ganaouenn a-enep ar brezel, n'eus kaoz enni nemet eus levenez an dud pa zistro ar soudarded d'ar gêr.
War batrom ar ganaouenn-mañ e voe savet reoù all.
Skrid ar son
kemmañSed ar gerioù skrivet gant Gilmore:[1]
- When Johnny comes marching home again
- Hurrah! Hurrah!
- We'll give him a hearty welcome then
- Hurrah! Hurrah!
- The men will cheer and the boys will shout
- The ladies they will all turn out
- And we'll all feel gay
- When Johnny comes marching home.
- The old church bell will peal with joy
- Hurrah! Hurrah!
- To welcome home our darling boy,
- Hurrah! Hurrah!
- The village lads and lassies say
- With roses they will strew the way,
- And we'll all feel gay
- When Johnny comes marching home.
- Get ready for the Jubilee,
- Hurrah! Hurrah!
- We'll give the hero three times three,
- Hurrah! Hurrah!
- The laurel wreath is ready now
- To place upon his loyal brow
- And we'll all feel gay
- When Johnny comes marching home.
- Let love and friendship on that day,
- Hurrah, hurrah!
- Their choicest pleasures then display,
- Hurrah, hurrah!
- And let each one perform some part,
- To fill with joy the warrior's heart,
- And we'll all feel gay
- When Johnny comes marching home.
Johnny Fill Up the Bowl
We all went down to New Orleans,
For Bales, for Bales;
We all went down to New Orleans,
For Bales, says I;
We all went down to New Orleans,
To get a peep behind the scenes,
"And we'll all drink stone blind,
Johnny fill up the bowl".
We thought when we got in the "Ring",
For Bales, for Bales;
We thought when we got in the "Ring",
For Bales, says I;
We thought when we got in the "Ring",
Greenbacks would be a dead sure thing,
"And we'll all drink stone blind,
Johnny fill up the bowl".
The "ring" went up, with bagging and rope,
For Bales, for Bales;
Upon the "Black Hawk" with bagging and rope,
For Bales, says I;
Went up "Red River" with bagging and rope,
Expecting to make a pile of "soap",
"And we'll all drink stone blind,
Johnny fill up the bowl".
But Taylor and Smith, with ragged ranks,
For Bales, for Bales;
But Taylor and Smith, with ragged ranks,
For Bales, says I;
But Taylor and Smith, with ragged ranks,
Burned up the cotton and whipped old Banks,
"And we'll all drink stone blind,
Johnny fill up the bowl".
Our "ring" came back and cursed and swore,
For Bales, for Bales;
Our "ring" came back and cursed and swore,
For Bales, says I;
Our "ring" came back and cursed and swore,
For we got no cotton at Grand Ecore,
"And we'll all drink stone blind,
Johnny fill up the bowl".
Now let us all give praise and thanks,
For Bales, for Bales;
Now let us all give praise and thanks,
For Bales, says I;
Now let us all give praise and thanks,
For the victory gained by General Banks,
"And we'll all drink stone blind,
Johnny fill up the bowl"[2].
Kanaouennoù all damheñvel
kemmañ- E saozneg, kanaouennoù bugale e
- E galizeg, ur stumm damheñvel ouzh ar c'hanaouennoù bugale saoznek, "Os animais", zo bet embannet e 2007 er bladenn Camiños da fin da terra gant Luar na Lubre, komzoù gant Xabier Cordal, savet ivez diwar mojenn arc'h Noe[6].
- E brezhoneg:
- Janig Kerlaou, gant Jakez Konan
- unan damheñvel ouzh ar c'hanaouennoù bugale saoznek, gant Kanerien Langazel, evit dañsal ar C'helc'h sirkasian
- unan all damheñvel, diembann c'hoazh.
kemmañ- ↑ Lambert, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home".
- ↑ For Bales (1864).
- ↑ Komzoù ar ganaouenn
- ↑ Komzoù ar ganaouenn
- ↑ Komzoù ar ganaouenn.
- ↑ Kanet gant Luar na Lubre