An holl bajennoù
- Mh (lizherenn)
- Mi-24
- MiG-21
- Mi Buenos Aires querido
- Mi veneración
- Mi welais jac-y-do
- Mia Khalifa
- Miagliano
- Miajadas
- Miami
- Miami (Florida)
- Miamieg
- Miane
- Miarritze
- Miasino
- Miazzina
- Mibien
- Mibinell
- Mibinell Gambia
- Mibinell Grandidier
- Mibinell Liberia
- Mibinell Selous
- Mibinell ar geunioù
- Mibinell lost gell
- Mibinell lost gwalennek
- Mibinell lost gwenn
- Mibinell roudennek
- Mibinell roudennoù ledan
- Mibinell roudennoù strizh
- Mibinell velen
- Mibinelled
- Mic'ha
- Mic'hail
- Mic'hail Bakounin
- Mic'hail Botvinnik
- Mic'hail Fradkov
- Mic'hail Gorbatchev
- Mic'hail Gourevitch
- Mic'hail Gourevitch (c'hoarier echedoù)
- Mic'hail Kalachnikov
- Mic'hail Michoustin
- Mic'hail Saakachvili
- Mic'hail Saltaev
- Mic'hail Tal
- Mic'hail Tchigorin
- Mic'hal
- Mic'hi
- Micaela
- Micaela Bastidas
- Micaela de Luján
- Mich Beyer
- Michael
- Michael Adams
- Michael An Gof
- Michael Bay
- Michael Biehn
- Michael Caine
- Michael Clarke Duncan
- Michael Collins
- Michael Collins (astraer)
- Michael Collins (disheñvelout)
- Michael Connelly
- Michael Cranford
- Michael Crichton
- Michael D. Higgins
- Michael Daniel Higgins
- Michael Douglas
- Michael Ende
- Michael Faraday
- Michael Gough
- Michael Haneke
- Michael J. Fox
- Michael Jace
- Michael Jackson
- Michael Jackson's This Is It
- Michael Jones
- Michael Joseph Jackson
- Michael Kiske
- Michael Laudrup
- Michael McConnell
- Michael Morhaime
- Michael Morpungo
- Michael Morpurgo
- Michael Muhammad Knight
- Michael Rose
- Michael Rymer
- Michael Sata
- Michael Schumacher
- Michael Weatherly
- Michael Willmann
- Michael Wolgemut
- Michael York
- Michael von Preußen
- Michaela
- Michaelsberg
- Michaelsberg (Elzas)
- Micheau-Vernez
- Michel
- Michel-Hervé Julien
- Michel Aoun
- Michel Aumont
- Michel Barnier
- Michel Blanc
- Michel Butor
- Michel Chauty
- Michel Colle
- Michel Delpech
- Michel Der Zakarian
- Michel Desjoyeaux
- Michel Duchaussoy
- Michel Déon
- Michel Gérard
- Michel Hidalgo
- Michel Hunault
- Michel Jadoul
- Michel Jaouen
- Michel Jeury
- Michel Le Bris
- Michel Le Nobletz
- Michel Legrand
- Michel Loriot
- Michel Loriot (Mab)
- Michel Loriot (Tad)
- Michel Loriot (mab)
- Michel Louette
- Michel Loussouarn
- Michel Marion
- Michel Martelly
- Michel Micombero
- Michel Mohrt
- Michel Nicolas
- Michel Nikolaz
- Michel Onfray
- Michel Phlipponneau
- Michel Piccoli
- Michel Pignolet de Montéclair
- Michel Piquemal
- Michel Platini
- Michel Plessix
- Michel Preud'homme
- Michel Priziac
- Michel Raoult
- Michel Robert (skrivagner gall)
- Michel Rocard
- Michel Rolland
- Michel Santangeli
- Michel Serrault
- Michel Simon
- Michel Strogoff
- Michel Tarin
- Michel Tonnerre
- Michel Toutous
- Michel Tréguer
- Michel Vaillant
- Michel Zévaco
- Michel de Montaigne
- Michela
- Michela Miti
- Michelangelo
- Michelangelo (disheñvelout)
- Michelangelo Antonioni
- Michelangelo Buonarotti
- Michelangelo Buonarroti
- Michelangelo Buonarroti il Giovane
- Michelangelo Merisi
- Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
- Michelangelo dei Conti
- Michelbach
- Michelbach-le-Bas
- Michelbach (Thann)
- Michele
- Michele Carrascosa
- Michele Godena
- Michele Gordigiani
- Michele Mazzarini
- Michele Mazzarino
- Michelet
- Michelin
- Micheline Francey
- Micheline Le Moigne
- Micheline Presle
- Michelle
- Michelle (sonenn)
- Michelle Alves
- Michelle Bachelet
- Michelle Creber
- Michelle Hunziker
- Michelle Kerrain
- Michelle Maylene
- Michelle Medina
- Michelle Nic Pháidín
- Michelle O'Neill
- Michelle Obama
- Michelle Rodriguez
- Michelle de Saubonne
- Michelle de Valois
- Michelle de Valois (1395-1422)
- Michelotto Corella
- Michererezh
- Micheál D. Ó hUigínn
- Micheál Martin
- Michiel de Ruyter
- Michiel de Swaen
- Michifeg
- Michigan
- Michimahuida
- Michipeg
- Michoacán
- Michoacán de Ocampo
- Michèle
- Micigliano
- Mick Jagger
- Mick Schumacher
- Mick Wingert
- Mickaël
- Mickaël Buzaré
- Mickaël Huiliers
- Mickaël Pagis
- Mickey
- Mickey Mouse
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
- Mico emiliae
- Mico melanurus
- Micoureus
- Micrastur
- Micro
- Microbates
- Microbiotheria
- Microbiotheriidae
- Microcavia
- Microcerculus
- Microdipodops
- Microdynamis parva
- Microeca
- Microgadus
- Microgadus tomcod
- Microhierax
- Microligea palustris
- Micromacronus
- Micromesistius
- Micromesistius poutassou
- Micronisus gabar
- Micronologie
- Micropalama himantopus
- Microparra
- Microparra capensis
- Micropsitta
- Micropternus brachyurus
- Microptilotis
- Microrhopias quixensis
- Microsciurus
- Microsciurus alfari
- Microsciurus flaviventer
- Microsciurus mimulus
- Microsciurus santanderensis
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Corporation
- Microsoft Windows
- Microstilbon burmeisteri
- Microstomus kitt
- Microtus
- Microtus agrestis
- Microtus arvalis
- Microtus cabrerae
- Microtus duodecimcostatus
- Microtus levis
- Microtus multiplex
- Microtus nivalis
- Microtus oeconomus
- Microtus rossiaemeridionalis
- Microtus savii
- Microtus socialis
- Microtus subterraneus
- Micurà de Rü
- Mic’hail Michoustin
- Mid-Angled
- Mid Devon
- Midas
- Middelburg
- Middelburg (Izelvroioù)
- Middelkerke
- Midden-Drenthe
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
- Middle Island
- Middle Island (Saint Kitts and Nevis)
- Middlesex
- Middletown (Delaware)
- Mide
- Midgard
- Midi-Pyrénées
- Midir
- Midjoueg
- Midlands
- Midlothian
- Midnight, the Stars and You
- Midnight Cowboy
- Midobeg
- Midrach
- Midrash
- Midsivindieg
- Midtjylland
- Midway
- Midyan
- Miedes de Atienza
- Miedzyrzec Podlaski
- Mies van der Rohe
- Mig-21
- Migamaeg
- Miggiano
- Miglianico
- Miglierina
- Miglionico
- Mignanego
- Mignano Monte Lungo
- Mignon
- Mignon (istor)
- Mignoned Feiz ha Breizh
- Migorn
- Miguel
- Miguel Angel Asturias
- Miguel Capuccini
- Miguel Díaz-Canel
- Miguel Hernández
- Miguel Hernández (albom)
- Miguel Hernández Gilabert
- Miguel Iañ
- Miguel Iañ Portugal
- Miguel Illescas Córdoba
- Miguel Indurain
- Miguel Lillo
- Miguel Matamoros
- Miguel Miramón
- Miguel Najdorf
- Miguel Primo de Rivera
- Miguel da Paz
- Miguel de Cervantes
- Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
- Miguel de Unamuno
- Miguel Ángel Asturias
- Mihai Eminescu
- Mihails Tals
- Mihails Tāls
- Mihangel
- Mihangel Morgan
- Mihály Babits